
Why Mike Russell For Atlanta City Council President

Mike Russell is a proven, results-oriented, principled, and compassionate leader who possesses the skills Atlanta badly needs to get our city headed back in the right direction.

An experienced law enforcement officer with 28 years of service in the US Army.

A capable leader who has successfully led large, complex organizations both at home and overseas.

An innovative strategic planner, negotiator, and problem solver who has vast experience in municipal management, and coordinating the efforts of local, state, national and international organizations and agencies.

A compassionate humanitarian who has led relief efforts abroad and is working hands-on with the homeless and underprivileged here in Atlanta.

As Atlanta City Council President he will provide the leadership, vision, integrity, and innovation we need to address the complex challenges that our city faces.

Priorities:  public safety, accountability and government transparency, competent and effective management of resources, improving infrastructure and city services, and reimagining and improving schooling.